How to access issues to download or read online

Follow these 6 easy steps to access PDF versions of your favorite issues. Then read them online or download the PDF to your computer or mobile device.

  1. 1
    Select the issue you want from the website's Home page or ISSUES tab in the navigation bar menu.
  2. 2
    Click the "Read More" button.
  3. 3
    Click the "Click to Access Issue" button. Wait for the PDF version of the issue to load in a new tab.
  4. 4
    Scroll the PDF version to read it online.
  5. 5
    To download the PDF version to your computer, smart phone, or mobile device, locate the green "Download" button near the bottom right of the PDF window.
  6. 6
    Click the green "Download" button. Then click the "Standard Download" option. Follow your device's options for where to save the download.

Watch the how-to video below. Note: You do not need to install the MEGA Desktop App to access or download issues.
